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Can the alley be closed?

Before making full application to close your alley, you must first determine whether your alley is eligible to be closed.  By submitting this request, you are asking the Town to complete a search of the ownership/title to the lands & to distribute this request to Town Departments for comment (the "Preliminary Services").

The fee for these Preliminary Services is $40.00 non-refundable. 

In the event costs will exceed $40.00, you may be requested to provide additional funds on a case by case basis.  The Town will notify you of any additional funds required before the costs are incurred.

Once the Preliminary Services are complete, you will be notified of the results by email to the address you provide below.

I, the undersigned, hereby agree toand acknowedge the following:

  1.  Search Fee: $40.00 - The Search Fee covers the cost for the initial search of title/ownership and staff time.  The search fee is subject to increase should the estimated costs exceed this amount, which additional costs do not apply to costs resulting from the application proceeding.
  2. Easements - Should the property contain any existing easements or should new easements be required, no construction will be allowed upon the subject lands.
  3. Payment Options - Payment of the Search Fee and/or any additional costs for the title/ownership search, may be made by cash, cheque or credit/debit.  Cash or cheque payments are to be delivered to Town Hall.  No Preliminary Services will commence until payment is received.
  4. Collection of Personal Information - Information requested on this form is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act R.S.O. 2001 as amended. The information is required in order to process the application. The name and business address of the applicant and/or authorized agent is public information. The address of the property, which is subject of the application, is also public information. Please be advised that any personal information (i.e., name, address) may become part of a public record in an electronic (i.e., website) and/or paper format (i.e., agenda/minutes).

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