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2025 Alarm Registration Application

Registration Fee is $35.00/calendar year payable online using:

  • Visa
  • MasterCard.
  • NOTE: The description on your credit card statement will look similar to this: "BAMBORA INTERNET*" or "BAM*TOWN OF TECUMSEH" with a $35.00 charge.


Please ensure that the residence you are requesting alarm registration for is located within the Town of Tecumseh.

If you have any question please call 519-735-2184, ext. 124.

If you are experiencing any difficulty using the form, please call 519-735-2184, ext. 117.


Is the residence/business located in the Town of Tecumseh?

Mailing Address

Is the mailing address different than the address above?

Alarm Information

Alarm Type:
Type of Premises
Alarm System Specifications
Information (select those that are applicable only)


  • Any changes made in this information herein must be forwarded in writing to the Town of Tecumseh within 15 days of said change to: Town of Tecumseh, Attention:  Alarm Coordinator, 917 Lesperance Road, Tecumseh, Ontario, N8N 1W9.
  • Registered alarm owners will be permitted two (2) At Fault False Alarms for security or two (2) At Fault False Alarms for fire after which, the following charges will apply:
    • Responding to Police Services alarm: $375 per call pursuant to By-Law No. 2025-019.
    • Responding to Fire Services alarm: Fees based on current Ministry of Transportation response rates with respect to Fire Services per apparatus per hour (minimum one (1) hour). 
  • The owner or occupier of a Registered Premise must attend their premises within 30 minutes of an activated fire alarm. Failure to attend within 30 minutes of a fire alarm will result in a charge using the Ministry of Transportation rate.
  • An approved application constitutes a valid registration. 
I certify that all information contained herein is correct to the best of my knowledge.

The personal information on this form is being collected under the authority of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for the purpose of administering alarm responses, pursuant to the Tecumseh By-Law No.'s 2019-75 and 2025-019 and for other law enforcement purposes, where they are consistent with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.  I understand and agree that the information contained herein will be provided, on my behalf, to the Tecumseh O.P.P.  The information will be used for registering on-premise alarm systems, and also contacting the owner as related to their alarm system.

This document is available in alternate formats by contacting the Finance Department at 519-735-2184, ext. 124 or by emailing Alarm Registration. Please note: For your 2025 Alarm Registration renewal charge you may notice the $35.00 charge on your credit card statement that is described as “BAM*(reference number) 519-819-1694”  or “BAM*TOWN OF TECUMSEH, ON".

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